Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Here is my podcast, interviewing historian, Mat Cain on Thomas Jefferson and John Adams

Making the podcast was an interesting experience. I had recorded and edited both music and speaking before, but never for the web. when recording the interview, I simply said "Ramble on for as long as you want about Jefferson and Adams" (prompting him occasionally with specifics that I wanted to include). Afterwards I edited in myself asking questions, in the style of "This American Life." The interview ran between 15 and 20 minutes, and cut it down to 10. I then exported it as an aiff, and brought it into garage band to add the visuals, and export it as a Mpeg 4.

The most helpful part about this project was not the actual producing of the podcast, but learning how to distribute it. I had no idea how to access my server space and put things up to it, let alone how to link to it, and even embed that video into my blog. I'm fairly proficient at the production of various media, but when it came to distribution, I was lost. That's one of the aspects that I am really finding valuable about this class.